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Consult CNPJ For Free with Excel

Hello, friends! Today we will share with you a very useful tip that will surely save many people and companies who need to frequently consult company data. Let's go, shall we?

First, let's understand what Excel is: Excel is a spreadsheet editor produced by Microsoft that is present on virtually every computer on the planet, is the best spreadsheet creation platform, and many companies survive based on the use of these spreadsheets.

Thus, being able to consult a CNPJ through Excel spreadsheets is extremely useful and can help in decision making.

Integrating the API with Excel we can automate these queries easily and quickly, thus being able to use the API to consult various data such as the company name, fancy name, address, state registration, registration status, CNAE and many other information that may be important at the time of registration of the customer or supplier through the CNPJ. See below how simple it is to use our Spreadsheet:

Enabling Macros#
The spreadsheet uses Visual Basic for Application (VBA) to automate queries, so when you open the spreadsheet you must enable Macros by clicking the "Enable Content" button:

Integração x Excel - Macros

How to search#
To search simply fill in the company's CNPJ in the CNPJ column (in the "Queries" worksheet) and then click the "Consult/Update" button above:

Integração x Excel

After clicking the "Query/Update" button, the spreadsheet will provide all available data, simple right?

Remembering that has a public API and you can consult CNPJs for free, just do not fill out the Token. But the public API has a limitation of 3 queries per minute (see documentation), which makes the query a little slow, but for a small volume of queries it may be feasible.

If you need more speed or a larger volume of queries, check our plans. We made a comparison, consulting 100 different CNPJs, with and without the token.

Know more consulta cnpj api at

Ahout us is an API (Application Programming Interface) forquerying corporate data through the CNPJ, developed to provide public data
about Brazilian companies in JSON format so that it can be integrated into any software. The API was developed and is maintained by Bitize, which is a startup born in the Technological Park of Sorocaba and that uses this data to find and approve suppliers for its customers.

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